Self-Worth and Success go Hand in Hand

Many of us work hard to achieve success in every area of our lives and once it arrives at our doorstep we often push it away or close the door because we don’t feel inherently good enough or smart enough or even worthy enough to receive it.
I would like to tell you today that you are worthy because you were born. There is no prerequisite to “worthiness”. Yes that’s right, because you are here in this world you are worthy.
It’s that simple.

In working with clients, I have found this  “unworthiness” expressed as pain and suffering in client’s physical bodies.  Some people have discovered that they subconsciously hold on to the pain to remember the abuse that has been afflicted on them to remind them to make sure it never happens to them again!

Healing assists us in letting go of that pain and suffering so that we can find our joy in life maybe for the first time ever. People often don’t allow themselves to take ownership of the lives that they were created for.  It seems to be controlled by what others have done to them or what others think and feel is right for them.

Thinking you deserve to be happy is different than knowing you are worthy of happiness. You feel it in every cell of your body and you are completely grounded in the energy of it. The universe responds to the vibration of worthiness that you put out and wonderful things come to you with ease and grace.

It seems that we are all looking for the same thing in order to feel worthy. Validation. Instead of validating ourselves or getting validation from our spirit guide or angels we give our power to others who may not even understand us and if they don’t validate us, we take that as the truth. We don’t deserve.

Here are 10 steps to assist you in embracing your worthiness today!
Your life is waiting for you and in fact the world is waiting for you!

1.      Allow yourself to let go of what others think of you and simply be authentic.  Make choices that are right and perfect for you. Only you know what your heart desires. If you trade in your authenticity to feel safe in your family or work environment or in friendships, you are giving your power away and you will not find your joy.  Just for today, check in with your inner child and follow his/her voice. I guarantee you this will bring you joy and in fact when your loved ones see you happy they will be happy even if they don’t understand your choices!

2.      Allow yourself to let go of perfectionism and practice self-compassion. Perfectionism is always focused outward on what other people think. We believe that if we look perfect, and do everything perfectly, then we will be loved and accepted. It just isn’t true. Know that nothing is ever perfect and just for today strive for excellence instead. You will always feel good knowing you did your best.

3.      Allow yourself to let go of numbing yourself and develop a resilient spirit. People often numb themselves in order to cover up their true nature.  When you numb the painful emotions, you also numb the positive emotions in order to avoid any pain that being vulnerable can bring. Just for today allow yourself to feel and react to life around you naturally and know that you are loved no matter what. Life is so much sweeter.

4.      Allow yourself to let go of moderating your feelings and practice gratitude. People think they can hold off feeling too sad by moderating their joy levels. Many people choose a life without joy because they “don’t want to be disappointed.”They actually sacrifice their daily joy and resign themselves to a constant state of low-grade disconnection. Just for today allow yourself to feel your full blown joy. You might just love it!

5.      Allow yourself to let go of the need for certainty and trust your intuition. Many of us feel that being certain or in control of how things are “supposed to be” is a way to protect ourselves against vulnerability. Unfortunately if we only do what we are safe and certain about, then we seldom experience miracles and unexpected possibilities. Just for today allow yourself to trust your inner voice even if it doesn’t make any logical sense. Or ask the universe What else is possible? You may be surprised at the outcome!

6.      Allow yourself to let go of comparing yourself to others and celebrate your uniqueness. Being creative means risking exposing who you really are at a core level.  But if you are afraid to be vulnerable then you won’t risk creating something that could be judged by others.  Creativity requires a sense of worthiness and the ability to handle the possibility of criticism. Just for today allow yourself to be you and know that it’s ok if some people don’t like who you are or what you created. Know you will attract people just like you who appreciate you and your style.

7.      Allow yourself to let go of becoming exhausted and play and have fun. Healthy minded people are willing to listen to their body and rest and enjoy themselves knowing that they are loved no matter what.  A workaholic however needs to constantly push him or herself to prove that they can do it or they are better, smarter or even more perfect. Know that you can change your mind in any moment! Just for today allow yourself to experience some of the simple moments of play and connection. Feel the lightness and freedom that you experience.

8.      Allow yourself to let go of anxiety as a lifestyle and incorporate meditation and stillness. Sometimes fear and anxiety seem to dominate our lives. Cultivate a peaceful life in spite of the drama around you. Meditation allows you to go into the center of the storm where the calm and stillness is and observe the chaos around you. From this place you can hear your own inner voice and receive messages from the Universe.

9.      Allow yourself to let go of self-doubt and trust your intuition. If you are working at a job you hate or hanging out with people that you are trying to impress then you are being untrue to yourselves. Just for today listen to your heart and take one step to something new that is making your heart sing. Usually the first thing that comes to mind is the right one.

10.  Allow yourself to let go of always being in control and be vulnerable enough to feel your true emotions. Although we think we are in total control of our lives it isn’t true. There is a higher power at play. Being able to laugh, sing, dance and “be silly” can be extremely difficult for some of us who had to always be good little girls or boys.  Or for those of us who got hurt when we let go and were free. Just for today allow yourself to celebrate and experience joy knowing that your adult you will not let you get hurt in the process.

I truly try to live my life with an authentic, open heart.  And while that is easy to say, it is sometimes more challenging to do.  What makes me stand out is my willingness to try to be my unique me and notice when I give my power away and bring myself back home to my authenticity.

I know that if I go around trying to be perfect and in control of everything that goes on, I insulate myself from true emotion and joy so much so that I’m in constant fear of being found out as a fraud or of losing control.  If I begin to compare myself with other women or practitioners, I immobilize myself with unworthiness. There is always someone out there who is prettier or smarter or more experienced than I am.  Any time I try to do what I think “I’m supposed to do” rather than what I honestly feel inspired to do, then I’m saying I have no faith in either myself or the universal process that created me.

Being vulnerable is not the easy way out.  In fact being vulnerable is the hardest thing most of us will ever do.
I truly feel that being vulnerable is not weakness.  Research shows that it is the most courageous thing we can ever do to create a quality life.  It connects us to others and into the infinite Source of all love, creativity and possibility—giving our life meaning and purpose.  Without its practice we are mere shadows of a whole person.

If comfort is your priority, then vulnerability will be difficult for you.  Overall, I find it essential to remember that staying open to uncertainty and being true to ourselves offers us far greater benefits than the alternative.  Even though it may feel scary to face our fears of worthiness, it is immensely more life-giving and empowering than attempting to play small and sacrifice our true nature.

If real courage is measured by our ability to be vulnerable,then the most courageous act any of us takes in life is to simply be ourselves.

1 Response

  1. This entry is beautifully and honestly expressed. I sense you are a sincere and compassionate and gentle person, as your bio indicates. I look forward to speaking to you and seeing how you can help me to heal, finally.

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