Dancing with the Flow of Life

If you wish to go dancing and you don’t know how, the first thought is to take  lessons to learn the steps.  Or we may just decide to go and learn along the way. In any case, we begin to learn the steps…

In life, the dance steps are comparable to knowing ourselves. We must learn to know ourselves in order to flow with life.

Once we know ourselves we can begin to dance.

What does it mean know yourself?

Your name? Your occupation? Your personal history? Knowing yourself goes much deeper than the adaptation of a set of ideas or beliefs.

Knowing yourself is rooted in being instead of being lost in the mind.

Many of us have a secret fear that we are bad, so we try to avoid knowing ourselves and we just kind of buzz along and exist.

We kind of hold everything together and we do manage. We survive  but are we really living? Are we joyful?

If you went to see a therapist for many years and your therapist got tired of your story and handed you your file

and sent you off with a 5000 page file about your life, you would probably think you now know who you are.

The file is your story. It is not who you are. It is content not your essence. Going beyond ego is stepping out of content.

Knowing yourself is being yourself and being yourself is ceasing to identify with your story (Content)

The meaning of life is usually associated with the good but good is continually threatened by collapse, breakdown, disorder,

meaninglessness or bad. Sooner or later disorder will erupt into everyone’s life no matter how many insurance policies you have.

It might be loss, sickness, death. However, for many people the result can be an opening into a higher order.

Behind the chaos is a higher order.  When we walk in a forest the thinking mind sees chaos all around. Nothing is in a uniform pattern.

There are fallen trees left to rot and feed the ground.   It is very random, however new life grows out of rotting and decayed matter.

There is a hidden harmony and  a higher order in which everything has its perfect place. It is not understood thru thought.

So as we learn to be (the steps) then we can dance with our life. There is a real flow to it.

It comes from the heart, not the mind. The mind cannot see it. It doesn’t quite make sense to the mind. It’s a trust factor.

A surrender to God to guide your life and trust that it is divine in every moment.

I am sure you are still wondering how to know yourself better. Begin with looking at the things that upset you?

If they are small insignificant things then that is who you are. Small

You might say all I really want is peace until the phone rings and the stock market collapsed or your car was stolen or your mother in law is arriving in 1 hour.

Suddenly a surge of anger or anxiety boils up inside of you. A harshness comes into your voice. You accuse, blame, attack or defend or justify yourself and its all done on autopilot.

Something else has now become more important than peace. The small me is present.

If peace is really what you want then you will choose it.

Know yourself to be spirit and remain nonreactive and alert when confronted with challenging people or situations.

You accept the situation and become one with it. Then out of your alertness will come a response.

Who you are is now responding, not who you think you are. The response will be powerful and effective and will turn no person into an enemy.

It is thru realization that you shine out into the world.

For the next week try this exercise.

Whatever you think people are withholding from you, praise, appreciation, assistance, love etc…. give out what you most need.

Then start giving others that very thing.

Soon after you start giving you will start receiving. You cannot receive what you don’t give. Outflow determines inflow.

This includes abundance. See the fullness of life all around you. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the magnificent flowers,

enjoyment of biting into a juicy watermelon.

This awakens the abundance in you.

Then let it flow out…smile, giving, service. Abundance comes to those who already have it. This is the Universal Law.

The present moment is all you every really have.

What is your relationship with the present moment?

Is it your friend or are you living in the past are always trying to get to the future.

Life is right now. Look at who is sitting beside you. Enjoy their smile. Nothing else matters.

Your entire life is unfolding in this constant now moment.

Non resistance is the key to the greatest power in the universe. Through it spirit is freed. The surrendered state of consciousness opens up

the dimension of depth and from this dimension comes something of infinite value that otherwise would have remained unmanifested.

The real you and your divine gifts emerge.

Your light shines and transforms the world.

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